Call for Papers/Handling

The Call For Papers for the 2024 congress in Florence is open. Please find all information in this pdf.  

If you've submitted an abstract please check this page for updates concerning abstract/paper handling frequently.

Direct link to the abstract submission page

Although you abstract does not have to follow a certain template we still advise you to use the 2024 paper template which is mandatory for your paper upload if your abstract is accepted.

All other information about the congress and the logistics can be found on  

The deadline for the abstract submission was extended till 15th January 2024 23:59 GMT. There will be no further extension. 

Th emails concerning the status of your abstract will go out end of March. If your abstract was accepted you should have gotten two mails, one informing about the general acceptance and one about the category (active oral/standby or interactive. 
If you haven't got this email after the announcement please contact us reffering to your 4 digit abstract ID (preceeded by ICAS2024_ ) which you should have gotten when submitting your abstract.

Don't delete those mails since they include your LogIn data to upload your paper later on. If you Log in you can also change personal data, authors lists, etc. 

If your abstract category is different of what you submitted and you can't accept that please send us an email as soon as possible but not later than 01 May 2024 since we have standby authors who would then move up to the slot. A different category doesn't mean your abstract was not sufficient, it could be simply the fact that the programme committee didn't had other abstracts to build a session with yours. And some abstracts were changed from interactive to oral. Again if you're unhappy with that please tell us.


 Since the Proceedings will be published online and will be downloadable within the ICAS archive, it is essential that:
the written version of the paper is submitted to the proceedings editor in the prescribed format by (extended and final) 15 June 2024 23:59 GMT for the review by the Session Chair
at least one author has registered as a Congress delegate by 15 June 2024    
the final (revised) version of the paper is submitted to the proceedings editor, addressing all issues raised by the Session Chair, by 15 July 2024

At this stage, you may find it helpful to know that:
the language of the Congress (for both the oral presentations and the written papers) is English
Your presentation must not exceed 20 minutes and there will be a further 5 minutes allocated for questions and discussion from the audience followed by a 5 minute changeover to the next speaker. Please note that some of the Sessions will be reduced to 25 minutes. So please prepare an 18 minute lecture followed by just one question afterwards and the 5 minute changeover. This is a pilot and we would like to receive feedback from the authors with this format. Please check in the programme whether you have such a new "short" slot. 

A guideline and a template for the presentations are available here. Please note that the given timings in those templates are just a guide and you might need to adjust for the different type of slot length as mentioned above.

The Preliminary Programme, which includes general information about the Congress, will be available on the website or
Information about the Congress, be available on the websites or
We would also stress again that this congress is an on site congress, so there’s no possibility to just present your paper online from home. If you won’t be able to travel to Florence please give us a notice till 01 May 2024 since then your slot could be taken by a reserve author.

Finally, please check that the paper title is correct, if not send an e-mail to the ICAS Secretariat. All other information can be changed when you Log into the portal. 

If you forgot your LogIn data please use the function on the LogIn page, your username is your submission ID, e.g. ICAS2024_xxxx

Important: If you need an invitation letter for VISA purposes please contact the local organizing committee at since only they can invite somebody into their country.
The two mails you've got when your abstract was accepted may only be used to secure travel funds. All countries outside the Schengen area require a VISA. Since that application may take a while we recommend to start early.


Important: Those authors who have the status reserve must indicate by end of April whether they want to present their paper as an interactive presentation if they stay reserve. Important

Shortly there will be a link where you can upload your interactive presentation as an .mp4 file

And please frequently check out this page for updates concerning the upload process.