ICAS 1966 London

Table of contents


Title Author(s)

Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Memorial Lecture

Some Aspects of Aircraft Evolution M. B. MORGAN

R.A.E.S. Centenary Lectures

Influences on the Development of Aviation H.R.H. THE PRINCE PHILIP, DUKE OF EDINBURGH
Anglo-French Collaboration — The Present and Some Thoughts for the Future SIR GEORGE R. EDWARDS
Britain’s Influence on World Aviation — Past, Present and Future 49 T. P. WRIGHT
Some Aspects of Aeronautical Research in the United Kingdom A. R. COLLAR
Advancement in Aeronautics A. D. BAXTER

Fluid Dynamics

The Propagation of Shock Waves around Obstacles and in Bent Ducts L. Z. DUMITRESCU
Theoretical Design of Shock-Free, Transonic Flow around Aerofoil Sections G. Y. NIEUWLAND
On the Theory of Simple or Cruciform Wing and Wing-Body System over a wide range of Supersonic- Hypersonic Regime PROF. DR. E. CARAFOLI
Factors Limiting the Maximum Stagnation Temperature in a Gun Tunnel B. E. EDNEY
Three-dimensional Flow about an Arbitrary Blunt Body DR. V. V. RUSANOV
On Maximum Drag in Supersonic Flow Yu. D. SHMYGEEVSKY
Supersonic Ducts at the Angle of Attack O. N. KATSKOVA, P. I. CHUSHKIN
Computation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Body Combination in a Supersonic Flow M. ENSELME
Thrust-Lift Integration and its Consequences on the Economy of Atmospheric Flight at High Speed P. CONTENSOU

Hypersonic and Aerospace Flight

Ziele und Ergebnisse der Studien an Raumtransportern J. HENRICI
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Shapes at Hypersonic Speeds A. E. GENTRY
Experiments on Hypersonic Lifting Bodies L. F. CRABTREE, D. A. TREADGOLD
Efficiency of Kinetic Heating of Aerodynamic Control Devices in Hypersonic Flow Pu. POISSON-QUINTON, R. CERESUEEA
Power Units for Very High Speed Winged Vehicles R. R. JAMISON
Propulseur Atmospherique pour Premier Etage de Transporteur Spatial J. DUPIN
Re-entry Crew Escape Module Concepts for Orbital Vehicles F. MAVRIPLIS
Structural Prospects for Hypersonic Air Vehicles R. R. HELDENEEIS

Problems of Propulsion

Progress in Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Development A. SlLVERSTEIN
On Diffusive Supersonic Combustion A. LINÄN, J. L. URRUTIA, E. FRAGA
Nozzle Thrust Increase by Rotation of the Flow E N. NAUMOVA, Yu. D. SHMYGLEVSKY

Problems of Re-Entry

Recent Progress of the Re-Entry Aerodynamics Research in Japan J. KONDO, F. TAMAKI. R. KAWAMURA , G. KAMIMOTO
MHD-Beschleuniger zum Studium der Simulation des Wiedereintritts F. LINDNER, K. R. SCHREITMÜLLER und H. G. WICHMANN
Analytische Näherungslösung für die Bewegungsverläufe von ballistischen Flugkörpern beim Atmosphäreneintritt N. KIEHNE
Characterisation of Re-Entry Plasmas J. DOREY, C. VERET
A Study of Artificial Meteors as Ablators C. E. SHEPARD, J. W. VORREITER, H. A. STINE and W. WINOVICH

Structures and Materials

Recent Studies on Optimisation for Elastic Stability of Cylindrical and Conical Shells J. SINGER, M. BARUCH
Design of Thin Circular Cylinders Under Combined Loading Conditions E. ANTONA, G. GABRIELLI
The Residual Strength of Light Alloy Sheets Containing Fatigue Cracks D. BROEK
High Temperature Behaviour of Organic Materials for Aircraft E. ClANETTI
Aeroelastic Considerations in the Design of Variable Sweep Aeroplanes L. J. TOPP, W. S. ROWE, A. W. SHATTUCK
Development of Power Spectral Techniques for Design of Aircraft to Gusts J. C, HOUBOLT
Utilisation of Turbulence as a Source of Excitation During Flutter Flight Tests G. COUPRY, G. PIAZZOLI

Man-Machine Relationships

Optimisation of Aircraft Performance and Mission Completion Through Research on the Pilot and Aircraft as an Overall System DE E. BEELER
New Techniques in Investigating Handling Qualities H. FRÖHLICH, W. KREIL, G. SCHWEIZER , K. STOPFKUCHEN
The Medical Aspects of Skill A. J. BARWOOD
Zur Frage der Übertragungsfunktion des Piloten bei ‘voraussehbaren’ Störungen der Flugbewegung H. SCHMIDTLEIN
Simulator Studies of Methods of Computing and Displaying the Velocity Vector in a Head-up Display for Low Speed Flight Path Control L. NORDSTROM and H. ARNE
Monitoring Information and Failure Warning to the Flight Crew during Autopilot Operation K. FEARNSIDE and A. P. W. CANE
VTOL Control System Studies on a Six-degree-of-freedom Motion Simulator R. K. GREIF, E. B. FRY, R. M. GERDES , T. D. GOSSETT
The CL-84 V/STOL Flight Simulation — A Comparison with Reality O. E. MICHAELSEN

Problems Relating to Air Transportation

The Economics of Aircraft Noise Suppression F. B. GREATREX
The Place of Inertial Navigation in the Navigation of Transport Aircraft J. E. PATEMAN
The Implications of All-Weather Landing in the U.K. O. B. ST. JOHN, R. C. MORGAN
The Success of Super-cooled Fog Seeding for Airline Operations I. E. SOMMERMEYER, W. BOYNTON BECKWITH
Participating Societies