The ICAS Council may grant the status of "Honorary Fellow" to individuals who have distinguished themselves by
virtue of their exceptional personal contributions, or through exceptional service to the objectives of ICAS.
Name | Country | Year |
C. D. McCarthy | US | 2000 |
B. J. Laschka | DE | 2002 |
J.-P. Marec | FR | 2004 |
S. Kobayakawa | JP | 2006 |
G. M. Carlomagno | IT | 2008 |
J. Hefner | US | 2008 |
F. Abbink | NL | 2010 |
B. Fredriksson | SE | 2010 |
R. Bengelink | US | 2012 |
I. Poll | UK | 2012 |
A. Gustafsson | SE | 2012 |
D. Müller Wiesner | DE | 2014 |
M. Scott | AU | 2016 |
C. Mari | FR | 2018 |
J. Szodruch | DE | 2020 |
S. Ying | US | 2020 |
S. Suzuki | JP | 2022 |
J. Azevedo | BR | 2024 |
Name | Country | Year | |
Th. von Karman | 1958 LM | († 1963) | |
A. M. Ballantyne | UK | 1958 LM | († 1977) |
H. Blenk | DE | 1958 LM | († 1992) |
H. L. Dryden | US | 1958 LM | († 1965/66) |
G. De Faget | FR | 1958 LM | († ????) |
G. Gabrielli | IT | 1958 LM | († 1988) |
J. J. Green | CA | 1958 LM | († 1984) |
R. Greinacher | CH | 1958 LM | († 1985) |
J. Jarry | FR | 1958 LM | († 1967) |
S. P. Johnston | US | 1958 LM | († 1964?) |
E.T. Jones | UK | 1958 LM | († 1981) |
B.K.O. Lundberg | SE | 1958 LM | († 1990) |
H.J. van der Maas | NL | 1958 LM | († 1987) |
A. Perez-Martin | ES | 1958 LM | († ????) |
M. Roy | FR | 1958 LM | († 1985) |
F.L. Wattendorf | US | 1958 LM | († 1986) |
R. R. Dexter | US | 1979 | († 2010) |
R.W. Staufenbiehl | DE | 1986 | († 2016) |
J. Singer | IL | 1992 | († 2009) |
A. D. Young | UK | 1992 | († 2005) |
P. Santini | IT | 1996 | († 2006) |
J. Swihart | US | 2004 | († 2007) |
G. Zagainov | RU | 2004 | († 2007) |
W. Schmidt | DE | 2004 | († 2007) |
C. Dousset | FR | 2002 | († 2016) |
F. J. Sterk | NL | 1998 | († 2020) |
R.V. Harris | US | 2002 | († 2021) |
J. E. Green | UK | 2002 | († 2022) |
R. H. Petersen | US | 2002 | († 2022) |
* The notation ICAS Honorary Fellow was introduced 2008. Before that time the equivalent notation was ICAS Life Member (LM) and all who had been elected Life members before 2008 are listed here as Honorary Fellows. The members of the first ICAS Council in 1958 are all listed as 1958 LM.