The ICAS Council may grant the status of "Honorary Fellow" to individuals who have distinguished themselves by
virtue of their exceptional personal contributions, or through exceptional service to the objectives of ICAS.

List of the active ICAS Honorary Fellows advisory group

Name Country  Year
C. D. McCarthy US 2000
B. J. Laschka DE 2002
J.-P. Marec FR 2004
S. Kobayakawa JP 2006
G. M. Carlomagno IT 2008
J. Hefner US 2008
F. Abbink NL 2010
B. Fredriksson SE 2010
R. Bengelink US 2012
I. Poll UK 2012
A. Gustafsson SE 2012
D. Müller Wiesner DE 2014
M. Scott AU 2016
C. Mari FR 2018
J. Szodruch DE 2020
S. Ying US 2020
S. Suzuki JP 2022
J. Azevedo BR 2024

Historic list of ICAS Honorary Fellows*

Name Country  Year  
Th. von Karman 1958 LM († 1963)
A. M. Ballantyne UK 1958 LM († 1977)
H. Blenk DE 1958 LM († 1992)
H. L. Dryden US 1958 LM († 1965/66)
G. De Faget FR 1958 LM († ????)
G. Gabrielli IT 1958 LM († 1988)
J. J. Green CA 1958 LM († 1984)
R. Greinacher CH 1958 LM († 1985)
J. Jarry FR 1958 LM († 1967)
S. P. Johnston US 1958 LM († 1964?)
E.T. Jones UK 1958 LM († 1981)
B.K.O. Lundberg SE 1958 LM († 1990)
H.J. van der Maas NL 1958 LM († 1987)
A. Perez-Martin ES 1958 LM († ????)
M. Roy FR 1958 LM († 1985)
F.L. Wattendorf US 1958 LM († 1986)
R. R. Dexter US 1979 († 2010)
R.W. Staufenbiehl DE 1986 († 2016)
J. Singer IL 1992 († 2009)
A. D. Young UK 1992 († 2005)
P. Santini IT 1996 († 2006)
J. Swihart US 2004 († 2007)
G. Zagainov RU 2004 († 2007)
W. Schmidt DE 2004 († 2007)
C. Dousset FR 2002 († 2016)
F. J. Sterk NL 1998 († 2020)
R.V. Harris US 2002 († 2021)
J. E. Green UK 2002 († 2022)
R. H. Petersen US 2002 († 2022)

* The notation ICAS Honorary Fellow was introduced 2008. Before that time the equivalent notation was ICAS Life Member (LM) and all who had been elected Life members before 2008 are listed here as Honorary Fellows. The members of the first ICAS Council in 1958 are all listed as 1958 LM.