The results from the September workshop are available now on our ETF page
The congress proceedings are finally published with the 2958-4647 ISSN
On the congress website you can find many pictures from the congress events
On our You Tube channel you'll find the videos of the Opening speech and the various award and general lectures.
On our You Tube channel you'll find the videos of the various award and general lectures.
Membership of ICAS is open only to national societies according to their statutes dedicated to the advancement
of the science of aeronautics (or aeronautics and space), having their seat in a nation which has been recognized by the United Nations.
Per nation only one Member Society can be admitted.
The Status of ICAS Associate
Member can be obtained by societies from the same nation
as a Member and industrial companies, research organisations
and others approved by the ICAS Executive Committee.
September 2023
Kyoto, Japan
Congress 2024
09.-13. September 2024
Florence, Italy
The ICAS organisation consists of two corporate bodies, the Council (being the assembly of Member Societies), having all authority other than the authority given to others according to the law or these Statutes and the Executive Committee, responsible for the management of ICAS. The Council appoints the Executive Committee for a two year period.
Since 2011 the ICAS Secretariat is hosted by the German
member society Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt.
Axel Probst is the ICAS Executive Secretary. He is assisted
by Bodo Heinrichs as ICAS Coordinator.
c/o DGLR
Godesberger Allee 70
53175 BONN, Germany
Phone: +49.228.3080519
Fax: +49.228.3080524
E-mail: icas(at)
"ICAS – The first Fifty Years", edited by F.J. Stark and finalised in 2008, when ICAS
celebrated its 50th anniversary, can be downloaded here.
A short summary about the history of ICAS, as included in the ICAS 2008 Congress Programme,
can be downloaded (here).
The first Guggenheim Lecture in 1958 was held by T. von Karman and he provides, as an introduction,
some interesting backg-round on how it all started. His lecture can be downloded (here).
The lecture "ICAS - THE FIRST 50 YEARS“ presented at ICAS 2008 by Dr John E. Green can be downloaded
The locations of the ICAS Congresses over the past decades are listed on the page "History".