ICAS 1960 Zurich

Table of contents
Proceedings Intro

Title Author(s)

Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Memorial Lecture

The Role of Entropy in the Aerospace Sciences JAKOB ACKERET

other papers

Possibilites et limites actuclles de la theorie des ecoulements hypersoniques J.-P. GUIRAUD
On the Use of Shock Tunnels for Research on Hypersonic Flow D. W. HOLDER and D. L. SCHULTZ
On the Theory of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt-nosed Slender Bodies V. V. SYCHEV
Beiträge zur Theorie der dreidimensionalen Grenzschichten J. A. ZA AT
On Three-dimensional Non-linear Effects in the Stability of Parallel Flows J. T. STUART
Some Aspects of Boundary Layer Transition at Subsonic Speeds ITIRO TANI
Boundary Layer Transition at the Leading Edge of Thin Wings and Its Effect on General Nose Separation R. A. WALLIS
Über die Grenzschichtablösung am Zylinder bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten A. NAUMANN, H. PFEIFFER
General Method of lntegral Relations and its Application to Boundary Layer Theory A. A. DORODNITSYN
Aircraft Shapes and their Aerodynamics for Flight at Supersonic Speeds D. KÜCHEMANN
Aerodynamic Design of Swept Wings and Bodies for Transonic Speeds R. C. LOCK, E. W. E. ROGERS
The Aerodynamic Design of Section Shapes for Swept Wings H. H. PEARCEY
Hydrodynamik der Rotierenden Flüssigkeiten A. A. NIKOLSKII
Stress Corrosion Cracking in High Strength Steel or Hydrogen Embrittlement? I. WEIBULL
Etude microscopique de la fissuration par fatigue ä haute frequence FRANCOIS GIRARD
The Notched Fatigue Properties of High Tensile Steels W. A. MORGAN, R. K. BUHR
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Light Alloy Sheet Material and Structures J. SCHIJVE
Jet Thrust L. A. SIMONOV
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Cambered and Twisted Wings Optimized for Flight at Supersonic Speeds C. E. BROWN, F. E. MCLEAN, E. B. KLUNKER
Some Experimental Results of Generating High Frequency Oscillating Shockwaves and Oscillating Shockwave Boundary Layer Interaction at Supersonic Speeds WLADYSLAW FISZDON
Some Contributions to Laminar Flame Theory GREGORIO MILLAN, IGNACIO DA RIVA
Contribution a Letude de la combustion dans les fusees a lithergol ou hybrides ANDRE MOUTET, MARCEL BARRERE
The Effect of a Shock-wave on a Burning Solid Propellant ELLIS ML LANDSBAUM
Elucidation of Combustion Instability in Solid Propellant Rockets SEYICHIRO KUMAGAI
On the Transonic Flow Around Wing Profiles and Revolution Bodies at Zero Angle of Attack CARLO FERRARI
Operations Research in the Basic Design of YS-J1 Transport Airplane H, KIMURA, S. KIKUHARA, J. KONDO
Airline Economics in the Turbine Era FRANKLIN W. KOLK
Physik des Jet Stream WALTER GEORGII
The Aerodynamics of Jet Flaps JOHN WILLIAMS, S. F. J. BUTLER, M. N. WOOD
Sub- and Super-Alfvenic Flows Past Bodies W. R. SEARS, E. L. RESLER, JR.
Aerophysical Studies at Hypersonic Velocities in Free Flight Ranges C. J. MAIDEN
Magnetoaerodynamics in Japan ISAO IMAI
A Statistical Method for Fail-safe Design with Respect to Aircraft Fatigue Bo K. O. LUNDBERG, SIGGE EGGWERTZ
A Method of Self-induced Alleviation of Airframe Loads F. MISZTAL
Einfluss des Start-Lande-Lastwechsels auf die Lebensdauer der Böenbeanspruchten Flügel von Verkehrsflugzeugen ERNST GASSNER, KARL F. HORTSMANN
Protection of Aircraft Structures against High Temperatures WILFRED H. DUKES
Limitations en nombre de Mach et en altitude des moteurs atmospheriques ALBERT GOZLAN
On Performance Characteristics of Combustion Chambers with Gradual Admission, of Oxydizer along the Chamber V. E. DOROSHENKO
Hypersonic Ramjets D. L. MORDELL, J. SWJTHHNBANK
Recombination and Condensation in Nozzles WALTER T. OLSON
Schliereninterferenzaiifitahmen von Kopfwellen und Grenzschichten Dissoziierter Gase H. OERTEL
Prediction of Lifting Surface Mutter at Supersonic Speeds H. ASHLEY, W. J. MYKYTOW, J.R. MARTUCELLI
Flutter of a Deformable Rocket in Supersonic Flow J. KACPRZYNSK, S. KALISKI
Determination des vitesses critiques transitoires d'un engin supersonique en vol accelere R. MAZET and E. BONNEAU
Transient Thermal. Stresses in Viscoelastic Plates and Shells F W. NOWACKI
Manned Return from Space R. B. HILDEBRAND
Effects of Nonequilibrium Flows on Aerodynamic Heating during Entry into the Earth's Atmosphere from Parabolic Orbits GUN GOODWIN, PALL M. CHUNG
Radiation and Ablation Cooling for Manned Re-entry Vehicles LEONARD ROBERTS
Etude aerothermodynamique de l ablation TEL MOULIN, J. J. BERNARD
Zur Frage der Auswahlmethoden für Besatzungen unkonventioneller Flugkörper S. RUFF
Body Susceptibility to High Accelerations and to Zero Gravity Condition R. MARGARIA, T. GUALTIEROTTI
Biologic Exposures to Space Environments DON FLICKINGER, RUFUS R. HESSBERG
Comportement de quelques fonctions perceptivo-motrices pendant le passage d'environ 2 a 0 G et influence de l'entrainement experiences effectuees avec la tour de sous-pesanteur T LOMONACO, A. SCANO, F. ROSSANIGO
Electric Power Generation Systems for Use in Space HENRY O. SLONE, SEYMOUR LIEBLEIN
Guidance of Space Vehicles by Radio Measurements and Command R. MAXWELL NOTON
Discoveries from Satellite Orbits D. G. KING-HELE