30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

02.1 - Aerodynamics - CFD Methods and Validation


R.C. Munjulury¹, R. Gårdhagen¹, P. Berry¹, P. Krus¹; ¹Linköping University, Sweden

The work presented in this paper is a part of RAPID, explores the method, and proposes a framework for optimization of the fuselage with a parametric, reusable and automated windshield with a focus on the visibility of a pilot for conceptual design. The geometry is propagated from CAD (CATIA) to analysis (Ansys) using CADNexus. Initial optimization is performed on a 2D geometry to find an appropriate angle for the struct. An optimization will be performed to minimize the drag and maximize the load taken by the struts of the windshield depending on pilot eye position, floor height and length of the cockpit. Methodology to automate the mesh using Fine/Open, as the number of surfaces increases or decrease during design automation is also proposed and will be used during the optimization later. Benchmarking between Ansys and Fine/Open is made for the optimized geometry.

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