ICAS 1978 Lisboa, Portugal

Table of contents
Opening adress
Opening lecture

Title Author(s)


The role of wind tunnels in future aircraft development R. Smelt

General lectures

Fuel Conservative Aircraft Engine Technology D.L. Nored
Les Methodes de Prevision en Aeroelasticite R. Dat
A Comprehensive Review of Airframe Noise Research H.H. Heller, W.M. Dobrzynski
The Evolution of Fly-by-Wire Control Techniques in the U.K. G.H. Hunt

Aeronautical Sciences face the fuel crisis

Benefits of Spanwise Blowing at Transonic Speeds C.J. Dixon, T. Dansby, Ph. Poisson-Quinton
Effect of Spanwise Blowing in the Angle-of-Attack Regime Cl= 0 T 90° W. Staudacher, B. Laschka, Ph. Poisson-Quinton, J.P. Ledy
Drag Reduction by Cooling in Hydrogen Fueled Aircraft E. Reshotko
Ceramic Materials for Vehicular Gas Turbine Applications W. Bunk
Recent Aerodynamic Contributions to Problems of Bird flight D. Hummel

Hypersonic cruise vehicles

Airframe-Integrated Propulsion System for Hypersonic Cruise Vehicles R.A. Jones, P.W. Huber
Recent Advances in Convectively Cooled Engine and Airframe Structures for Hypersonic Flight H.N. Kelly, A.R. Wieting, Ch.P. Shore, R.J. Nowak
On the Aerodynamics of Hypersonic Cruise Vehicles at Off-Design Conditions U. Ganzer, H. Hoder, J. Szodruch

V/STOL and short haul aircraft

Application of Advanced Technology for Improving the Integration of Engine and Airframe for Future Transport Aircraft R.Hilbig, K.D. Klevenhusen, G. Renz, R. Smyth
Jet Flow Interactions G.F. Masters


The National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics - Actual Situation and Development Perspectives L.A. Mendes Victor
Flight Through Thunderstorm Outflows D.W. Camp
Assessment of Noise Exposure Around Heliports c.G. van Niekerk
Recent Developments in Helicopter Noise Reduction H. Sternfeld jr.

The Effects of Noise on Laminar Flow Control Drag Reduction Systems

J.S. Gibson

Status of a European Joint Research Programme into Light Aircraft Noise O.L.P. Masefield
Some Observed Relations Between Ozone and Atmosheric Flow Field M.F. Figueira

Composite Structures

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Buckling and Post-Buekling Characteristics of Flat Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic {CFRP) Panels Subjected to Compression or Shear Loads P. VESTERGREN, L. KNUTSSON
Stability Limits of Orthotropic ShaHow Sandwich Shells - Computation and Test Results B. GEIER, H. KLEIN
Interim Results of long-term Einvironmental Exposures of Advanced Composites for Aircraft Applications R.A. PRIDE
Influence of Environmental Cycling on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Materials C. LUNDEMO
The Response of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Graphite/Epoxy Sandwich Panels to Exposure to Moisture and Heat D.J. ZIGRANG, H.W. BERGMANN
Free Vibration Characteristics of Simply Supported Composite Plates with Circular Holes and Square Cut-Outs R. PRABHAKARAN, A. RAJAMANI

Computational Aerodynamics

Application of Computational Aerodynamics Methods to the Design and Analysis of Transport Aircraft


Recent Applications of Advanced Computational Methods in the Aerodynamic Design of Transport Aircraft Configurations F.T. LYNCH
Study of a Variable Sweep Wing in Sub And Transonic Three-Dimensional Flows F. MANIE, C. REHBACH, V. SCHMITT
Numerical Study of the Supersonic Flow around Wings G.P. VOSKRESENSKY
Investigation of the Transonic Drag Characteristics for Non-Slender Wing-Body Combinations and Their Equivalent Axisymmetric Bodies at Zero Lift N. AGRELL, R. MATTSSON, s.-E. NYBERG
Design and Analysis of Slat Systems for Transonic Flow B.G. ARLINGER, W. SCHMIDT
Multi-Element Airfoil Design by Optimization Th. E. LABRUJERE
Qualitative Calculations of Transonic Drag-Rise Characteristics Using the Equivalence Rule Y C.-J. SEDIN
Numerical Study of Supersonic Flows Around Large-Angle Wedges and Cones P.I. CHUSHKIN
Evaluation and Analysis of Computations and Experiments for Transonic Wing-Body Configurations G. OROUGGE, N. AGRELL, S. HEDMAN, L. TORNGREN
Calculation of the Non-Linear Aerodynamic Coefficients of Wings of Various Shapes and Their Wakes Including Canard Configurations J. ROM, C. ZOREA, D. ALMOSNINO
Separated and Unsteady Flows in Aeronautics: Research at the University of Bristol J.W. FLOWER, A. SIMPSON
A Non-Linear, Discrete-Vortex-Perturbation Method for the Unsteady Lifting-Surface Problems with Edge Separations O.A. KANDIL, M. PAGE, A.H. NAYFEH
Development of a Low-Correction Wind Tunnel Wall Configuration for Testing High-Lift Airfoils G.V. PARKINSON, C.D. WILLIAMS, A. MALEK
The Application of Winglets to Rotors Th. van HOLTEN

Wind Tunnels

Scale Effects on Supercritical Airfoils J.A. BLACKWELL Jr.
Aeronautical Test Facilities Capabilities and Use J.S. KAMCHI, F.E. COMPITELLO
The European Transonic Wind Tunnel (ETW) for High-Reynolds-Number Testing J.P. HARTZUIKER
Soufflerie Subsonigue Pressurisee F1 du Centre du Fauga-Mauzac de l'ONERA M. PIERRE

The RAE 5 Metre Pressurized Low Speed Wind Tunnel

Advances in Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel Testing Technigues for Aircraft Noise Research J. WILLIAMS, T.A. HOLBECHE
The German-Dutch Wind Tunnel DNW - Design Aspects and Status of Construction F. JAARSMA, M. SEIDEL
An Intermittent High Reynolds Number Wind Tunnel J.L. STOLLERY, A.V. MURTHY

Flight and Ground Testing

Problems Raised by the Application of the Natural Stability Reduction Concept to Transport Aircraft C. PELAGATTI, M. BOSSARD, J. IRVOAS
Advanced Instrumentation and Data Evaluation Techniques for Flight Testing H. WINTER, B. STIELER
Evaluation of a Method to Extract Performance Data from Dynamic Maneuvers for a Jet Transport Aircraft J.H. BREEMAN, J.L. SIMONS

Structural Analysis

Crack-Free and Cracked Life of the Pressurized Cabin of the A 300 B - Calculation, Tests and Design Measurements to Improve Damage .Tolerance O. GöKGÖL
Acoustic Fatigue Assessment in the Design ·of Aerospace Vehicles M. BORRI, G. CAVALLINI
Fracture Mechanics Prediction of Fretting Fatigue under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loading P.R. EDWARDS, R. COOK
Recherches de l'ONERA Sur le Couplage Entre le Comportement et l'Endommagement des Materiaux et Structures R. LABOURDETTE
Fracture Toughness of Multiply Layer Adhesive Bonded Aluminium Alloy Sheet P.F.A. BIJLMER
Fracture Mechanics Approaches in the Design of Aerospace Vehicles E. ANTONA, V. GIAVOTTO, A. SALVETTI, E. VALLERANI
Discrete Probability Distribution Methods for Fatigue Life Prediction J. GEDEON
Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates Using Finite-Element-Method M.K. PATRA, N.G.R. IYENGAR

Optimization Methods and Automated Design

Optimum Structural Design Based on Extended Reliability Theory Y. MUROTSU, M. YONEZAWA, F. OBA, K. NIWA
Optimal Structural Design of Dynamically Excited Systems Using the Finite-Element-Method D.W. MATHIAS, H. RÖHRLE
A New Approach to the Optimization of Multilaminar Composite Sheets J.J. McKEOWN

Stability and Control

Flutter Suppression and Gust Alleviation Using Active Controls Review of Developments and Applications Based on the Aerodynamic Energy Concept E. NISSIM
Active Suppression of Aircraft Flutter H. HÖNLINGER, A. LOTZE
Celebration of the Wright Brother's first flight  
The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences  
ICAS Program Committee  
Participating Societies of ICAS