ICAS 1958 Madrid

Table of contents

Title Author(s)

Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Memorial Lecture

Some Significant Developments in Aerodynamics Since 1946 TH. VON KARMAN

other papers

Aerodynamic Design for Supersonic Speeds ROBERT T. JONES
Telecommand and Navigation W. H. STEPHENS
Propulsion Supersonique par Turboreacteurs et par Statoreacteurs MAURICE ROY
Newtonian Flow Theory in Hypersonic Aerodynamics WALLACE D. HAYES
Dynamics of a Dissociating Gas M. J. LIGHTHILL
Experimental Investigation of Hypervelocity Flight J. LUKASIEWICZ
Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Thermally Loaded Skin Panels A. VAN DER NEUT
Some Contributions to the Heat Conduction and Thermal Stresses Analysis in Aircraft and Missile Structures LUIGI BROGLIO
Representation d’un Systeme Thermoelastique Vibrant sans la Direction de la Vibration R. MAZET
Aerodynamic Derivatives for Oscillating Three-Dimensional Wings in Transonic Flow MÄRTEN T. LANDHAL
Mass Transfer Cooling, a Means to Protect High Speed Aircraft ERNST R. G. ECKERT
Features of Hypersonic Heat Transfer R. J. MONAGHAN, L. F. CRABTREE, B. A. WOODS
Eohanges de Chaleur dans les Ecoulements Presentant des Decollements J. J. BERNARD, R. SIESTRUNCK
Wärmeübertragung bei natürlicher Konvektion, insbesondere durch Stoffe in der Nähe Ihres kritischen Zustandes ERNST SCHMIDT
Movimiento Diabätico de un Gas en un Conducto Giratorio J. M. DE SENDAGORTA
Progress in Jet Engine Noise Reduction F. B. GREATREX, D. M. BROWN
Noise Research in Canada: Physical and Bio-Acoustic K. K. NEELY, B. ETKIN, H. S. RIBNER
Noise in Air Transport WILLIAM LITTLEWOOD
Quelques fitudes sur l’Action Produite par les Jets de Reacteurs sur les Structures H. J. L. LE BOITEUX, P. A. LIENARD
Some Considerations of Safety in Automatic Flight Control A. M. A. MAJENDIE
Auswanderungserscheinungen an schwingenden Kreiseln in kardanischer Lagerung K. Magnus
Principles of Inertial Guidance C. S. DRAPER, W. WRIGLEY, R. B. WOODBURY
Einige neuere Ergebnisse über Grenzschichtbeeinflussung H. SCHLICHTUNG
Fundamental Design Problems of Aircraft with Boundary Layer Control for Maintaining Laminar Flow G. V. LACHMANN
Contribution Theoretique et Experimentale a l’Etude du Controle de la Couche Limite par Soufflage P. CARRIERE, E. EICHELBRENNER, PH. POISSON-QUINTON
The Use of Boundary-Layer Control to Establish Free Stream-Line Flows D. G. HURLEY
Aeroelastic Problems on Aircraft Construction H. G. KÃœSSNER
A Review of some Recent Developments in Hypersonic Flow ANTONIO FERRI
Problems de 1’Aile Annulaire Resolus par Analogie Rheoelectrique L. MALAVARD, G. HACQUES
Einige Ergebnisse aus der Theorie des Ringflügels in inkompressibler Strömung JOHANNES WEISSINGER
A Contribution to the Solution of Mixed Problems of Transonic Aerodynamics A. A. DORODNICYN
Research on VTOL and STOL Aircraft in the United States JOHN P. CAMPBELL
Safety and Reliability Aspects of VTOL D. KEITH-LUCAS
Mecanique de Vol du Propulseur Volant a Decollage et Atterrissage Vertical G. EGGERS, G. ERNST
Structures and Materials for Finite Lifetime N. J. HOFF
Problems in Heat-Resisting Materials for High-Speed Flight and Propulsion POL DUWEZ
Heat Resistant Materials: A Survey of Some British Developments D. A. OLIVER
Telecontrol and Telemetry for Pilotless Aircraft R. A. LESLIE, P. O. GILLARD
Transmission of Data by Radio from U.S. Satellites J. T. MENGEL
Prospects and Limitations of Human Flight Beyond the Atmosphere JULIAN E. WARD, DAVID G. SIMONS
Disorientation in Flight G. MELVILL JONES
Les Limites des Possibilites Humaines dans les Concepts Actuels du Vol et de LAvion E. EVRARD
Propulsion Methods in Astronautics W. E. MOECKEL
The Physical Basis of Magnetohydrodynamics W. B. THOMPSON
A Comparison of Two Approaches to an Electric Propulsion System VERNON H. BLACKMAN
ICAS Advisory Board Chairmen